Journey with me through my year as Mrs. Texas International as I promote CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates)and The American Heart Association.Check out my website today for ways to join me in the cause!

My Photo
Location: The Woodlands, TX

I strive everyday to be super mom... a super human. My goal is to, as Bernard Shaw put it, "be thoroughly used up when I die, for the harder I work, the more I live. I rejoice in life for its own sake. Life is no "brief candle" to me. It is a sort of splendid torch which I have got hold of for the moment, and want to make burn as brightly as possible before handing it on for future generations."

Sunday, June 7, 2009


I was honored that UP CLOSE magazine chose to feature me as Mrs. Texas International in a full page article of their inaugural edition. The article focused on CASA and raising awareness about the organization and all the ways people can get invloved. It's great to know that from the article many people will learn that there are more needs within CASA than just being a child advocate. We need volunteers to serve on the GALA Committee, plan the CASA Kid's Holiday Party, CASA KIDS picnic, and more. I know that the result of the article will be an increase in awareness and an increase in a growing army of CASA volunteers! To read the full article, just paste the following url into your browser. It's on UP CLOSE page 20.

Blake's A Grad!

Blake graduated from Kindergarten Thursday June 4. He was so excited! He said, "The best thing about graduating is that I get to take home my box!" He also said he loves his teacher Mrs. Vogt. She exemplified all that a kindergarten teacher should be. Blake got the award for "Best Singer" and finished the year as one of the strongest readers and writers in the class. He is pumped up about finishing the school year and just before I snapped this picture he exclaimed "I am a first grader now!"


TAMALES, TAMALES, TAMALES! My sweet Nanny and friend Maria Nino offered sweet service through a tamale fundraiser benefiting my Mrs. International Trip to Chicago. I collected orders for 258 dozen tamales! Supportive friends and family came May 30 to roll pork tamales---over 2000 were hand made in just 12 hours! Thanks so much to Mom, Lisa & Jeff, Lori & Steve, Kelli, Julie, Tracy, Maria, Minto, and my CASA buddies Denise and Patty. I could never have done this without you. A special thank you, too to my sweetheart Skeeter and my kids for all their support. I love you guys. All tamales were delivered two days later and everyone raved about the excellent flavor and moist masa. DELICIOSO!!

Monday, June 1, 2009

An Honor To Sing

I was priviledged to sing the Star Spangled Banner at the Leadership Montgomery County Graduation on May 28. Whenever I sing the National Anthem it is always hard to hold back the emotion that I feel. I love this country so much and am so proud of those who have fought for our freedom, including my late father in law Earl T Hubert and my grandpa Reyes who served in World War II and was awarded the Purple Heart. It was so fitting to sing that inspired song during the Memorial Day week.